the dakota page. pageo of dakota.webbed site? dead. gone. goodbyyyye. I LIVE IN A DEEP DARK HOLE IN THE GROUND AND I MAY NEVER EMERGE. Bring .emy fallen webbed site of pretty pretyy. pls so that i may leave this hole….. FO GOOD.
nows ur chance to be a big shot be a big shot be a big be a bigbe a big shot nows ur chance to be e e e big HOT single elves ladies want UR credit card number and u dare to deny them? Ur sick CLICK NO O O O W PLEASE!!! In Sam and Max Save the World Season 1 Episode 4, there is a telephone that uses only Susan B Anthony dollars.whaaaat is this? wjat is this dollar? I think it would be neat tp see and hold and have OH such a good time with it. Have u ever been a dollar? Everyday I pour myself a little bowl of soup and it would be so so very nice to have Susan B Anthony soup.
here is a list of things i like about the SUUUasn B Anthosoup
- the souo
- it calls and speaks to ,me?
- bowls of chips
i sip fro,m a nice fine poaste i sip from a nice fine paste it is similar to a Susan B Anthony soup in that it is, in a way, a liquid, but there is the distinct lack of wasting old money that gets mentioned in remasterss of '06 games. peace is nice peace is nice peace is better than chicken and ricce peace peace peace nice nice nice peace peace chicken chicjen rice rice rice peace is nice peace is nice peace is better than
now its time for our funy lil quiz show!

guys i just re,embered who suasn b anohony is shes that one lady that respected women